Author: Ben Peters
I’m a 30-year-old trilingual, researcher, sports fan and professional linguist from the American Midwest passionate about using knowledge to improve the quality of life. I enjoy reading, traveling, and connecting with people from all around the world. I started this blog to share the discoveries that have improved my life and to learn from people with access to this page.
Quote of the Day #14: John Maxwell
Word of the Day #30: Manifest
Quote of the Day #13: Leonardo Da Vinci
Quote of the Day #12: Carl Von Clausewitz
Quote of the Day #11: Jim Rohn
Quote of the Day #10: Parkinson’s Law
Word of the Day #29: Distasteful

100 Days of Retention (7 Fascinating Observations)
Quote of the Day #9: Confucius

Radical Forgiveness Will Change Your Life (Vishen Lakhiani)
Quote of the Day #8: Darin Donnelly
Word of the Day #28: Mystify
Quote of the Day #8: Sun Tzu
Quote of the Day #7: Aristotle
Word of the Day #27: Enchant
Quote of the Day #6: Desert Monk
Word of the Day #26: Disempower
Quote of the Day #5: Sun Tzu
Quote of the Day #4: Hal Elrod

I Am Weightless (Guided Visualization To Promote Relaxation)
Quote of the Day #3: Hal Elrod
Word of the Day #25: Inculcate
Quote of the Day #2: Hal Elrod
Quote of the Day #1: Greg Anderson
Word of the Day #24: Infuriate
Word of the Day #23: Victor

Sometimes It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better (Meditation Pro Tip)
Word of the Day #22: Photogenic

Remember the Hard Times (The Rock)
Word of the Day #21: Invincible
Word of the Day #20: Uncanny

Comparison Is The Thief of Joy
Word of the Day #19: Bliss