Author: Ben Peters
I’m a 30-year-old trilingual, researcher, sports fan and professional linguist from the American Midwest passionate about using knowledge to improve the quality of life. I enjoy reading, traveling, and connecting with people from all around the world. I started this blog to share the discoveries that have improved my life and to learn from people with access to this page.

The Wonder Working Power of Dreams

Somatic Tracking: A Simple, Effective Technique to Alleviate Anxiety

Words Make Worlds (I Create As I Speak)

Identifying with the Villain Instead of the Hero

How To Stop Caring What People Think (Charisma on Command)

Conquering Your Emotional Pain (Jocko Willink)

The Elephant And the Rope (Power of Belief)

What You Focus On Grows, What You Ignore Dies.

A Simple Lifestyle Tip To Increase Self-Confidence

Materialism Doesn’t Make You Happy (Johann Hari)

Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual (Jocko Willink)

What Your Spicy Food Crave Says About Your Personality

The Statue of Father and Son

The Gorilla Walk (Anabolic Cardio Exercise)

Do Schools Kill Creativity? (Ken Robinson)

Why People Love Sports (The Real Reason)

A Simple Way To Break a Bad Habit (Judson Brewer)

The City of God (Thought Experiment)

Are Athletes Really Getting Faster, Better, Stronger? (David Epstein)

Our Ancestors Were Kings and Queens

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself (Joe Dispenza)

A Near-Death Experience (Thought Experiment)

Secrets of Elite Athletes (Kenn Dickinson)

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Someone Is Your Presence

5 Keys To Controlling Anger (Christian Conte)

Supercharge Your Mindfulness Routine with Cold Showers

What Lobsters Can Teach Us About Stress (Abraham Twerski)

If You Want To Resolve Conflict, You Have To Go First

The Power of Forgiveness (Sammy Rangel)

I against my brother. I and my brother against my cousin. I, my brother, and my cousin against the world (Arab Proverb)

True Love Explained (Abraham Twerski)

7 Reasons You Should Look Up Words You Don’t Know

Brother by NeedToBreathe (Music to Uplift Your Spirit)