Author: Ben Peters
I’m a 30-year-old trilingual, researcher, sports fan and professional linguist from the American Midwest passionate about using knowledge to improve the quality of life. I enjoy reading, traveling, and connecting with people from all around the world. I started this blog to share the discoveries that have improved my life and to learn from people with access to this page.
Quote of the Day #110: Generosity
Word of the Day #89: Ecstatic
Word of the Day #88: Resourceful

30 Inspiring Kobe Bryant Quotes (Goalcast)
Quote of the Day #109: Kindness
Word of the Day #87: Stellar

This is Why I Became Successful (Kobe Bryant)

Life is Nostalgia (Poetry) (Guest Post)
Quote of the Day #108: Happiness
Word of the Day #86: Petty
Word of the Day #85: Astronomical
Quote of the Day #107: Love
Word of the Day #84: Savvy
Quote of the Day #106: Stress

Introducing New Icon Navigation Links in Header!
Word of the Day #83: Stupendous
Quote of the Day #105: Destiny
Quote of the Day #104: Dreams
Word of the Day #82: Sublime

I Have Multiple Personalities (Confessions of a Linguist)
Word of the Day #81: Constructive
Quote of the Day #103: Compassion
Word of the Day #80: Lax

Fitness & Health Calculators (Body Mass Index, Weight Loss, Weight Gain, Calories, Bench Press)
Quote of the Day #102: People
Word of the Day #79: Mega

First Reader Feedback Survey To Make the Blog Better (Honest Feedback Welcome!)

MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech (Full Text)
Quote of the Day #101: Visualization
Word of the Day #78: Tireless
Quote of the Day #100: Freedom (Guest Post)