Category: Wisdom

“Be A Source of Healing” by Elia Abu Madi (English Translation of كن بلسما)

Six Little Stories With Lots of Meaning

Words Make Worlds (I Create As I Speak)

Identifying with the Villain Instead of the Hero

How To Stop Caring What People Think (Charisma on Command)

Conquering Your Emotional Pain (Jocko Willink)

The Elephant And the Rope (Power of Belief)

What You Focus On Grows, What You Ignore Dies.

A Simple Lifestyle Tip To Increase Self-Confidence

Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual (Jocko Willink)

The City of God (Thought Experiment)

Our Ancestors Were Kings and Queens

A Near-Death Experience (Thought Experiment)

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Someone Is Your Presence

5 Keys To Controlling Anger (Christian Conte)

What Lobsters Can Teach Us About Stress (Abraham Twerski)

If You Want To Resolve Conflict, You Have To Go First

The Power of Forgiveness (Sammy Rangel)

I against my brother. I and my brother against my cousin. I, my brother, and my cousin against the world (Arab Proverb)

True Love Explained (Abraham Twerski)

Value Adds Voice (How to Influence Others)

The Parakeet Under My Window (A Lesson on Authenticity)

What Lettuce Can Teach Us About Understanding (Thich Nhat Hah)

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win (Sun Tzu)

Keys to Success (Jeff Bezos)

Leadership is about Love (Simon Sinek)

How to Become a True Warrior

What Separates a Man from a Boy

To a Wise Man Every Day is a New Life

A Season of Personal Revival (Elliott Hulse)

The Power of a Good Gift

Motivational Words of Wisdom (Will Smith)

When Emotions are High, Wisdom is Low