Category: Entertainment

Discipline Equals Freedom: Field Manual (Jocko Willink)

What Your Spicy Food Crave Says About Your Personality

The Statue of Father and Son

Do Schools Kill Creativity? (Ken Robinson)

Why People Love Sports (The Real Reason)

A Simple Way To Break a Bad Habit (Judson Brewer)

The City of God (Thought Experiment)

Are Athletes Really Getting Faster, Better, Stronger? (David Epstein)

Our Ancestors Were Kings and Queens

Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself (Joe Dispenza)

A Near-Death Experience (Thought Experiment)

Secrets of Elite Athletes (Kenn Dickinson)

The Power of Forgiveness (Sammy Rangel)

I against my brother. I and my brother against my cousin. I, my brother, and my cousin against the world (Arab Proverb)

Brother by NeedToBreathe (Music to Uplift Your Spirit)

Connected, but Alone? (Sherry Turkle)

Through Hell (Eric Thomas and Les Brown)

It Starts With Me by Toby Mac (Music To Uplift Your Spirit)

The Mindset of a Champion (Arnold Schwarzenegger)

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win (Sun Tzu)

Keys to Success (Jeff Bezos)

Leadership is about Love (Simon Sinek)

How to Become a True Warrior

The Cure to Laziness (David Goggins)

30 Inspiring Kobe Bryant Quotes (Goalcast)

This is Why I Became Successful (Kobe Bryant)

Life is Nostalgia (Poetry) (Guest Post)

MLK’s “I Have a Dream” Speech (Full Text)

What Separates a Man from a Boy

What Your Sleep Posture May Tell You About Your Personality

To a Wise Man Every Day is a New Life

The Power of a Good Gift

I Decked Out My Car With Stylish Seat Covers