As 2021 begins to unfold and the blog closes in on 100,000 page views (!), I want to open up an avenue for you to participate that I’m excited about. Creator Villa is now accepting guest posts from readers! A guest post is written content you created in the interest of others. If you’ve read around on the blog, you have an idea of the kinds of topics and posts that would be appropriate. You will not be financially compensated for your content (this blog is not for profit), but you are free to include a link to generate traffic for your blog, website, social media, etc.
Do not be limited by the following examples and do be free to think outside the box:
- A testimony of how fitness, fasting, meditation, or any other discipline/technique/life strategy positively impacted your life. E.g. An Hourly Log of My 3-Day Dry Fast (30 Insightful Journal Entries)
- An insight or observation from sports, culture, nature, or human relationships that can help people live better. E.g. A Phrase That Instantly Increases Your Likability
- A research finding or study (from a reliable source) related to personal growth and well-being. E.g. Blue Light From Your Phone May Be Keeping You Awake At Night
- An impactful quote or short reflection by you or someone else (with proper credit) that you want featured in the Quote of the Day section. E.g. Quote of the Day #91: Healing If there’s a short inspiring video you’ve transcribed that might also be a great idea. E.g. Radical Forgiveness Will Change Your Life (Vishen Lakhiani). Shoot me an email in advance and I’ll let you know if I want to feature the clip.
Send all submissions to contact@creatorvilla.com or use the contact form here. Before submissions go live, I will edit for content, style, punctuation, etc; title each post, add a cover photo, include the Guest Post tag at the end; let you know when the post will go live; and potentially write a short introduction in the body of the post. Be sure to give the name you want the submission to appear under, and a link to your blog/website if you want me to include it in the post. This gives you the opportunity to generate traffic in exchange for gifting the community with your creative content. Original submissions only. No plagiarism.
I look forward to reading your submissions in the coming months! Don’t feel bad or take it personal if your submission(s) doesn’t get featured. A small number of posts may get featured, and I will enjoy reading everything you send me.
[…] Thanks, Suad, for the contribution. Remember, you can submit your own quotes or quotes you like to be published by emailing contact@creatorvilla.com See Creator Villa is now accepting guest posts! […]
[…] you may have already seen, Creator Villa is Now Accepting Guest Posts! Make your submissions to contact@creatorvilla.com or by using the contact form here. I have added […]
[…] If you scroll to the bottom of the page, you will notice that the ticker under “Blog Stats” has recently acquired a sixth digit. Today the blog reached 100,000 total pageviews! I want to take this milestone as an opportunity to thank you for your support since this project kicked off. This year I want to open the door for you to get involved even more. As a reminder, you can make your guest post submissions using the following link. […]