Author: Ben Peters
I’m a 30-year-old trilingual, researcher, sports fan and professional linguist from the American Midwest passionate about using knowledge to improve the quality of life. I enjoy reading, traveling, and connecting with people from all around the world. I started this blog to share the discoveries that have improved my life and to learn from people with access to this page.

Blue Light From Your Phone May Be Keeping You Awake at Night (There’s an Easy Fix for iOS and Android Devices)
Word of the Day #17: Sullen
Word of the Day #16: Adversarial

The #1 Mistake HelloTalk Users Make
Word of the Day #15: Supreme
Word of the Day #14: Vindictive
Word of the Day #13: Entitled
Word of the Day #12: Prophetic
Word of the Day #11: Craft
Word of the Day #10: Indignant
Word of the Day #9: Modest
Word of the Day #8: Prolific

Big Homes Foster Anti-Social Behavior
Word of the Day #7: Golden

Scientific Evidence For The Benefits Of Meditation
Word of the Day #6: Alienate
Word of the Day #5: Restructure
Word of the Day #4: Inflate

Tracking UV Radiation From the Sun For Optimal Tanning and Vitamin D Production With This Free App (D Minder)

Linguee, The Free App Every Foreign Language Student Should Download
Word of the Day #3: Inspired

The Most Natural Way To Optimize Vitamin D Levels Without Direct Sun Exposure

Babies Are Good For Mental Health
Word of the Day #2: Underrate

While Others Search For What They Can Take, A True King Searches For What He Can Give (Lion King)
Word of the Day #1: Wily