We like to have fun on this blog. And sometimes that fun involves pain. Here I introduce you the Bring Sally Up Push-up Challenge. The challenge is set against the song “Flower” by the artist Moby. The rules are simple. When you hear down, you go down into the push-up position. When you hear up, you rise. The object of the challenge is to make it to the end of the song. It may not seem like much, but trust me when I say it’s a lot harder than it sounds. On my first attempt, I made it to about the 2-minute mark.
Share this page with your meathead friends and fitness gurus and let me know how far you got in the comments. The challenge has been around for some time now but never seems to get old.
[…] spend more time in nature; take cold showers; serve others; or begin a discipline like fasting, working out, or meditation. All of these activities involve the body, but their real purpose is to train the […]